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6 Branding Facts Most Businesses Fail To Realise

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  • November 26, 2022
  • 4 min read
6 Branding Facts Most Businesses Fail To Realise

Branding is a term that gets talked about a lot, but what does it really mean? What are the benefits of branding, and how can you use branding to help your business grow? In this article, I’m going to address some common mistakes I see happening over and over again. But most importantly, these are things that can easily be avoided with a bit of planning and with the right approach.

Branding is not just for big businesses

All businesses, from startups to large enterprises, should be aware of the importance of branding.

Branding isn’t just for big companies – small businesses actually have the opportunity to focus on creating a unique customer experience, something that in larger businesses isn’t always possible due to the size of the business and the operations, and the huge costs involved with making changes.

A strong brand is something that should integrate everything from customer service to digital marketing and beyond into every area of your business operations.

Even if you’re just starting your business, it is extremely important that you run some branding exercises, some brainstorming, and really create an understanding of what your company is, its vision, its audiences and personas, how you want your tone of voice to be. The more you get this right, the better it will work for you in the long run.

Marketing doesn’t work without branding

To understand how branding is essential to marketing, consider what it means to be a brand. A brand is an expression of who you are as a business, what you represent and how you connect with people. Marketing involves getting the word out about this experience. If your company doesn’t have good branding, then no amount of marketing will help it succeed.

Branding is more than visual

Branding may have a lot of different definitions, but most of all it is about your company story. It’s about the values, personality and experience that you give to people who interact with you.

A brand is much more than just a logo, name or tagline. It’s how customers perceive your products, services and business model.

Avoid cluttering your message

One of the big mistakes businesses make when it comes to branding is cluttering their message, getting so caught up in trying to say too much that they end up saying nothing at all.

When you clutter your brand, you confuse potential customers and dilute your brand equity. You also risk distracting from the real message you want to get across and looking like an amateur who doesn’t know what they’re doing.

Direction matters more than speed

In the end, you’ll be much happier with your brand if you take the time to get it right. I know this isn’t always possible, but I’ve seen many businesses rush into things because they feel like they’re behind and end up making wrong decisions.

If you’re rushing through a rebranding process or introducing a new product or service and can’t wait to get started, make sure that your direction is clear so that everything else falls into place easily. Don’t focus on speed over everything else – that will only lead to disaster down the line.

You need to be consistent about your brand across all channels

Consistency is a critical aspect of brand building and one that many businesses fail to consider in their marketing efforts. Consistency can be seen as similar to repetition, but it has a very different meaning when applied to branding. This means being consistent with the use of your logo, colour scheme, fonts and tone of voice across all channels, such as website, social media or email marketing campaigns.

While this might sound like common sense, many brands don’t put enough emphasis on ensuring they’re presenting themselves in the same manner across all platforms. Consistency is key here because it creates trust in consumers’ mind – which ultimately leads to increased sales.

Would you like to know more about how I can help with your company’s branding? Let’s chat.

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Rui FZ